Illinois Soybean Association sponsors National Agriculture Day

The Illinois Soybean Association is supporting this year's National Agriculture Day, celebrated by producers, agricultural organizations, corporations, universities, government agencies and many others across the country, as a Champion Sponsor. Ag Day 2011 falls on March 15 during National Agriculture Week, which takes place March 13 through 19.

The Illinois Soybean Association is supporting this year's National Agriculture Day, celebrated by producers, agricultural organizations, corporations, universities, government agencies and many others across the country, as a Champion Sponsor.

Ag Day 2011 falls on March 15 during National Agriculture Week, which takes place March 13 through 19. Ag Day is a "nationwide effort to tell the true story of American agriculture and remind citizens that agriculture is a part of us," according to the event's website

This year, the dates for Ag Day and National Ag Week were moved back to coincide with several events planned in Washington, D.C., including a coffee with U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack, a mix-and-mingle luncheon at the Capitol and a dinner featuring Vilsack as keynote speaker. "Everyone at the ISA is excited to participate in Ag Day," said ISA Assistant Secretary-Treasurer and District 17 Director Dean Campbell. "Agriculture has always been an integral part of our culture and it is important that every American understand the extensive role it plays in their lives."  

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