British pig farmers launch 'buy local' pork campaign

British pig farmers, currently making losses because of the high cost of pig feed, have stepped up to help launch a national advertising campaign to get British citizens to buy home-grown pork. Roadside fields are being used to display signs in support of buying British pork, and so far more than 270 banners have gone up on farms around the country.

British pig farmers, currently making losses because of the high cost of pig feed, have stepped up to help launch a national advertising campaign to get British citizens to buy home-grown pork.

Roadside fields are being used to display signs in support of buying British pork, and so far more than 270 banners have gone up on farms around the country. “Many shoppers are already pretty loyal when it comes to choosing British pork, because they know it is higher quality," said pig farmer Richard Lister. "The aim of this campaign is to persuade shoppers to make an extra effort to choose British rather than anonymous lower-welfare imported pork."

Pig farmers are planning a March 3 Westminster rally to raise awareness among the government and to ask supermarkets to pay them a fair price. “We need supermarkets to pay pig farmers enough to cover the cost of producing high-welfare British pork," said Lister. "At the moment, supermarkets and most processors are making large profits — but pig farmers are losing around £20 on every pig they sell.” 

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