Quality Technology Calsporin supply unaffected by Japan disaster

Quality Technology International Inc., the North American distributor of direct-fed microbial Calsporin has released a statement assuring North American clients that there are no concerns about providing continuous supplies of Calsporin to the poultry and animal markets. "We have, at a minimum, a six-month supply of Calsporin in the United States," said Troy Lohrmann, QTI vice president.

Quality Technology International Inc., the North American distributor of direct-fed microbial Calsporin has released a statement assuring North American clients that there are no concerns about providing continuous supplies of Calsporin to the poultry and animal markets.  

"We have, at a minimum, a six-month supply of Calsporin in the United States," said Troy Lohrmann, QTI vice president. "Assessments in Japan are still ongoing, but the Calpis plant that produces Calsporin was unaffected by the earthquake and tsunami. In addition, the Calsporin production facility is over 100 miles away from the nuclear power plant that is experiencing problems at this time, and is also to the southwest, out of the prevailing wind patterns.”

While production has been briefly interrupted, the company said they expect no long-term issues. "The Calpis facilities have been impacted by reductions in electricity, but these interruptions are expected to be resolved very soon and production will be back to normal shortly," said Lohnmann. "Remember, we're set for six months, and with only a short term interruption expected, we're sure to be able to bring in new supplies long before we make a dent in our current surplus." 

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