US turkey eggs, poults down 4%

U.S. turkey eggs in incubators on May 1 totaled 27.7 million, down 4% from the same time in 2010, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The number was roughly on par with April 1 counts.

23.2 million net poults were placed during April, down 5% from the number placed during the same month in 2010 and down 2% from the March 2011 total of 23.7 million.
23.2 million net poults were placed during April, down 5% from the number placed during the same month in 2010 and down 2% from the March 2011 total of 23.7 million.

U.S. turkey eggs in incubators on May 1 totaled 27.7 million, down 4% from the same time in 2010, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The number was roughly on par with April 1 counts.

Turkey poults hatched during April totaled 23.9 million, down 4% from 2010 numbers. This number was also down 2% from the March 2011 total of 24.3 million poults. The 23.2 million net poults placed during April were down 5% from the number placed during the same month in 2010 and down 2% from the March 2011 total of 23.7 million. 

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