See the latest videos from the National Pork Producer Council’s World Pork Expo, the industry’s largest gathering of pig producers and suppliers. The 2011 World Pork Expo will be held June 9, 10 and 11 at the Iowa State Fairgrounds in Des Moines, Iowa.
Pig producers tracking their carbon footprint
Randy Spronk, pork producer, introduces the Carbon Footprint Calculator at 2011 World Pork Expo. It enables pig producers to track, via their data, areas in the production process where they use the most energy.
Calculating a pig farm’s environmental impact
Dr. Rick Ulrich, professor of chemical engineering at University of Arkansas, helped develop free software for pig producers to calculate their greenhouse gases and reduce their carbon tax. The software is available at
Tips for locating new livestock facilities
Kent Mowrer, field specialist with the Coalition to Support Iowa’s Farmers, talks about considerations that should be taken when locating a new livestock facility, such as prevailing winds, at the 2011 World Pork Expo.
Perspectives on the Mexican pig industry
Pig producer Francisco Corona Vizcaino of Pecuaria Cora talks about the Mexican pork industry and what it will take to improve the sector, at the 2011 World Pork Expo.
Safety equipment company demonstrates TRAM fall arrest system
Kurt Zackrison of Standfast demonstrates the TRAM fall protection system for agribusiness use.
Food labeling initiatives for raw meat coming in 2012
New labeling requirements for pork and poultry indicating lean and fat percentages will be more evident to U.S. consumers, according to Betsy Booren, director, scientific affairs, American Meat Institute.
Diverting corn for biofuel may cause shortages in 2012
Animal feed corn may be in short supply for 2012 if bad weather continues to plague an already late planting season, according to Randy Spronk, National Pork Producers Council vice president at the 2011 World Pork Expo.
Antibiotics important for pig health
Pig producers who use antibiotics properly for treatment, prevention and control of diseases and nutritional efficiency have healthier pigs and safe meat, according to Dr. Howard Hill, National Pork Producers Council director and veterinarian.
How technology is changing food production
Technology is the only way to address a growing world food crisis and food insecurity in the US, said Rob Aukerman, president of U.S. operations at Elanco Animal Health, at the 2011 World Pork Expo.
Global pig meat demand remains strong
Hog prices remain high, but Steve Meyer of Paragon Economics is forecasting a loss of $5 per head this year and potentially larger losses into 2012 due to the uncertainty of feed costs. He discussed the issue at the 2011 World Pork Expo.
Ukraine pig producer shares global pork trends
Vladimir Getman, director of Promagro and a pig producer, discusses the Ukraine pig industry and how technology is growing the sector at the 2011 World Pork Expo.
Increasing efficiency of animal feed operations Drew Ryder, president of Feedlogic Corporation, speaks about the FeedMeter, a dynamic weighing technology which measures the weight of feed as it passes through a feed line at 2011 World Pork Expo.
Strategies for working with feed ingredient adversity Kevin Touchette of Cargill gives an overview of his presentation on diversity in ingredient sources and suppliers at the 2011 World Pork Expo.
Pig industry looking to feed optimization Global pig producers are focusing on feed optimization and efficiency to improve profit margins, according to Keith Roach, marketing director, swine business unit, Elanco Animal Health.
Feed costs challenging livestock producers High corn and soy costs are challenging all livestock producers, according to Dan Meagher, president of global animal nutritional solutions for Novus International, and many are looking to alternative feed ingredients to offset costs.
Trade agreements could bolster US pig industry Sam Carney, past National Pork Producers Council president, talks about three important trade agreements and how feed availability may impact pig producers in the years to come at the 2011 World Pork Expo.