U.S. egg-type chicks hatched during November totaled 37.5 million, down 3% from November 2010 numbers, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture's latest report.
Eggs in incubators totaled 40.1 million on December 1, up 6% from 2010. Domestic placements of egg-type pullet chicks for future hatchery supply flocks by leading breeders totaled 218,000 during November, down 17% from the same time in 2010.
Broiler-type chicks hatched during November totaled 704 million, down 5% from November 2010 numbers. Eggs in incubators totaled 609 million on December 1, down 5% from 2010. Leading breeders placed 6.89 million broiler-type pullet chicks for future domestic hatchery supply flocks during November, down 9% from November 2010 numbers.
For more information and statistics on U.S. poultry and egg production, see www.wattagnet.com/marketdata.html.