ImmuCell launches immunity education YouTube channel

ImmuCell has launched the Immediate Immunity YouTube channel to help educate dairy and beef producers, veterinarians and the agricultural industry about newborn calf immunity. This resource center, offers management tips and industry research. Dairy and beef producers can also hear firsthand from other producers and veterinarians how they provide immediate immunity to their calves at birth.

ImmuCell has launched the Immediate Immunity YouTube channel to help educate dairy and beef producers, veterinarians and the agricultural industry about newborn calf immunity.

This resource center, offers management tips and industry research. Dairy and beef producers can also hear firsthand from other producers and veterinarians how they provide immediate immunity to their calves at birth. Videos currently available for viewing on the Immediate Immunity channel include veterinarian and calf grower perspectives on: newborn calf management protocols, the importance of colostrum, working with custom calf raisers and disease prevention in newborn calves. 

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