The worldwide poultry industry should consider establishing an international equivalent of the U.S.’s Egg Nutrition Center, said executive director of the Egg Nutrition Center Dr. Mitch Kanter, who spoke to over 450 delegates at the International Egg Commission’s Annual Marketing and Production Conference.
Kanter made reference to recent press coverage of Canadian research suggesting that eating egg yolks was as bad as smoking in speeding up coronary heart disease and noted that, while there was contact between the Egg Nutrition Center and egg industry bodies in the UK and Canada, beyond this there was no coordinated response to the findings that could have been extremely damaging to the egg industry. An international body would not only be able to offer credible information, but could provide input and information to help when crises occur, identify industry experts and help to prevent repetition of effort. An international body could share ideas and resources and well as jointly help to support research and education programs, he said.
A starting point might be simply a website that, with time, could grow into something bigger.