Groupe Grimaud's Natural Concept was introduced at a satellite meeting to the EuroTier show, held recently in Hanover, Germany. The Concept aims to boost the sustainability of animal protein production in a world of growing demand and limited resources.
“Biology is at the heart of sustainable development," said CEO Frederic Grimaud, introducing the company's Natural Concept. Showing how the world population is set to grow by region in 2035 and 2085, he highlighted that Asia and Africa are the areas likely to experience the most rapid growth.
Using pictures of the amount, types and cost of foods consumed each week by typical families around the world from the book, "Hungry Planet" by Peter Menzel, he showed the transition for a staple diet of cereals and vegetables in developing countries to the diet based on processed foods consumed by families in some of the most developed economies.
Grimaud noted that the biggest challenge for the production agriculture industry is to meet the need of feeding a growing world, while producing more varied, healthy foods. While some may be calling for a return to organic farming methods to meet the demands of the growing world population, Grimaud said this is not the answer to feeding a growing human population sustainably.
The Natural Concept has been developed to achieve this aim. Key points of the concept, Grimaud explained, are:
1. Improving robustness and feed efficiency traits in breeding programs
2. Better prevention of infectious risks through bacterial ecology management in the breeding environment
3. Stimulating the immune system of the animals - natural by competition - acquired by vaccination
4. Using the valuable chemical super-molecules only in case of proven pathology or as prevention in case of major stress
5. Giving back to the Earth the necessary nutrients by the composting of the organic by-products
The two core businesses of Groupe Grimaud are animal breeding and biopharmacy, explained Frederic Grimaud, the Group's CEO, at a meeting in conjunction with the EuroTier show in Hanover. The first covers genetic selection, production and sale of breeding stock to the broiler and layer chickens, pigs, ducks, pigeons and guinea fowl, rabbit and aquaculture sectors.
Groupe Grimaud has R&D facilities and production centres at many locations in the Americas, Europe and Asia. It generates annually €245 million in turnover and royalties, of which 75 per cent is on the international market in more than 100 countries. Growing fast in all sectors, it has 1,700 employees of 30 nationalities, speaking 18 languages.