How our new digital registration process helps you, the Feed Management reader

Here at FeedManagement we are making some changes in how we do things online and withour digital edition. Ultimately, these changes will benefit the reader.

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As you will see explained more fully on the following pages, here at Feed Management we are making some changes in how we do things online and with our digital edition. Specifically, we now require a subscription to FM in order to view the digital edition of the magazine and also to view certain articles from FM that appear at

There is no cost to the reader involved with any of these changes. From a practical point of view it only means that you will need to take a moment to login at our website to see certain content or (if you haven't already) fill out a subscription form for FM.

So why are we bothering you with this, anyway?

Here at WATT, we spend a lot of time trying to gain a better understanding of the types of stories that you, the reader, want to read. And while this may seem easy, it's actually a fairly complex process.

In my early publishing days we would periodically ask readers, via survey, what parts of a magazine they found most helpful. The answers we received usually made sense to us, and we wrote our editorial plans accordingly.

Flash forward to 2013. Now we have a number of tools at our disposal with our digital products that tell us things like how many people click on a particular story or department, how long on average they spend reading it, and what they do (within the magazine or website) after that. This is great information to have. However, it often paints a surprising picture. There are times when we find out that stories we thought would be very interesting and important to readers don't get opened - or if they do get opened, the average read times are much lower than we would have expected.

Of course, there's a flip side as well. Sometimes we run articles that we expect will only appeal to a small segment of the readership and then we find a very large number of people opened it and kept it open for a while.

I say all this to help give you a little more background about this new registration process. The last thing we want to do is bar anyone from being able to access the content in FM. In fact, the opposite is true. We want to supply the best, most relevant content to as many readers as we can, and this new process should give us some new and better tracking tools so we can help make that happen. Ultimately, it's all about you, the reader.

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