Consumers have increasing questions about animal agriculture and whether it's good or bad. Many are concerned that animal agriculture takes away human food supplies and wastes resources.
The Council for Agricultural Science and Technology (CAST) wants to help answer those questions and help consumers learn about the role animals can have in a healthy diet, as well as maximizing resources that could otherwise be unusable. CAST has released a new video based on its issue paper Animal Feed vs. Human Food: Challenges and Opportunities in Sustaining Animal Agriculture Toward 2050. Scientific experts address the knowledge gap that exists as to the quantity of human food and fiber by-products used within animal agriculture.
As Task Force Author Dr. Larry Berger (University of Nebraska-Lincoln) says, "During the last century, many consumers lost touch with food production; they need facts to make wise choices."
The video provides information that will inform the general public, be useful for students researching animal agriculture, and be of value for organizations looking at the impact of using animals as a food source.
The video and text of the Animal Feed vs. Human Food: Challenges and Opportunities in Sustaining Animal Agriculture Toward 2050 and its companion Ag quickCAST are available free of charge on the CAST website at