The late Dr. Norman Borlaug, the father of the "Green Revolution" and one of agriculture's greatest spokespeople, will be the recipient of Alltech’s 2014 Medal of Excellence. Alltech will present the posthumous award to Borlaug’s granddaughter, Julie Borlaug Larson, at the 30th annual Alltech International Symposium in Lexington, Kentucky, May 18-21.
“Through his adaptation of new wheat technologies and improved crop management practices, Dr. Borlaug saved more than a billion people worldwide from starvation,” said Dr. Pearse Lyons, president and founder of Alltech, in a company press release. “Borlaug taught the world to feed itself, mass famines were averted and countries such as Mexico and India became self-sufficient in producing grains. His work continues to inspire us today as we strive to find solutions to feeding nine billion people by 2050.”
Borlaug, who passed away in 2009, was also awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the Congressional Gold Medal in 2007 and the Nobel Peace Prize in 1970 in recognition of his contributions to world peace through increasing the food supply.