Online sales of British pork growing

Online sales of pork in Great Britain have grown 21percent in both value and volume according to the latest figures produced for theBritish Pig Executive (BPEX.) The Kantar Worldpanel data shows the price ofpork has remained almost flat which has contributed to the large sales growthover the 52 weeks to the end of April.

Online sales of pork in Great Britain have grown 21 percent in both value and volume, according to the latest figures produced for the British Pig Executive (BPEX). The Kantar Worldpanel data shows the price of pork has remained almost flat which has contributed to the large sales growth over the 52 weeks to the end of April.

There has been strong growth in cuts such as chops and steaks for grilling and frying, but this has been counterbalanced to some extent by a decline in roasting joints.

BPEX director Mick Sloyan said: “These are good results overall and show a small but growing market. Modern purchasers are purchasing in a modern way and it is good to see pork is part of that. It is also good to see above average growth from a number of retailers who are 100 percent British in their sourcing of fresh pork.”

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