WATT Global Media continues to expand on its exclusive World’s Top Companies data by offering new listings on the leading pig producers and processors worldwide. The updated Pig Top Companies listings can be found in the November/December 2014 issue of Pig International.
In compiling the data, we rank processors by head slaughtered annually and rank producers by number of sows. We have chosen to list the data for the top companies worldwide as a total of multinational operations. In regional or national listings, the numbers represent activities within a company’s headquarters company.
In addition to the Top Companies listings in Pig International, further data can be found in the Market Data section of WATTAgNet.com. Here, you can download spreadsheets of data with graphs of additional Top Companies and pig production statistics. Spreadsheet data includes top producers and processors ranked by regions and exclusive production trends and forecasts from our “World Pig Panorama” report.
Website registration and login is required to view and download the Market Data charts. Registration is free and only takes a few minutes.
This exclusive pig industry data represents what has been collected as of October 2014. We are continuing to collect and revise data, which will appear on WATTAgNet.com as it becomes available. If you would like to correct or add data on your company, please provide your feedback to [email protected].