The acquisition of Tican of Denmark by Tönnies of Germany has been approved by the European Commission under the EU Merger Regulation.
The companies are active in the operation of slaughterhouses and in pork processing, and it was announced in November 2015 that they were seeking a merger. The Commission concluded that the proposed acquisition would not raise competition concerns because of the limited changes to the market structure in the markets where Tican and Tönnies activities overlap.
At a General Meeting in December 2015, Tican a.m.b.a. decided by a large majority to accept an offer from Tönnies for 100 percent of Tican A/S share capital, which comprises all operating companies in the Tican Group in Denmark, U.K. and Poland with associated sales subsidiaries.
According to Tican’s web site, its activities cover the full value chain from slaughterhouse to processing and delivery to retailers, and it exports to more than 50 countries. Headquartered in Denmark, the Group is a cooperative owned by 289 Danish farmers and employs close to 2,200 employees with an annual turnover of DKK5.1 billion (US$744 million) in 2012-13.
Headquartered in Germany, Tönnies is a leading global multi-tier food industry business centered on the slaughtering, butchering and processing of pigs, sows and beef cattle. It exports about 50 percent of its total production and is active worldwide. Annual turnover is around EUR5.6 billion (US$6.1 billion).