The pork industry has been grappling with the challenge of pigs’ tail biting for years, yet no solution has been found. Now, AHDB Pork, RSPCA and the University of Helsinki have joined forces to produce and distribute a questionnaire aimed at tackling the problem of tail biting.
“The questionnaire is going to producers in both the UK and in Finland where tail docking is banned to give us some valid comparisons and we are seeking the help of pig producers in the UK to provide some data,“ said Katja Stoddart, AHDB Pork health and welfare projects manager. “All results and findings will be reported anonymously to provide better information to producers on tail management and tail-related issues.
“The information will be shared with the Pig Health and Welfare Council [PHWC] – an industry body which brings together industry and government to share and exchange knowledge and information,” she continued. “The findings will also be compared and exchanged with those reported by Finnish producers.”
The Finns have given a presentation on pig husbandry without tail reduction to the European Commission. Follow this link to see more.
A questionnaire has been sent out to a number of producers; however, anyone who would like to take part can do so online by going here.
AHDB Pork is the organization for pig levy payers in England and is a division of the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board.