Register for International Pig Forum China

This forum will seek solutions to the development of China’s pig farming industry that balance economic, social and environmental benefits.

On September 5, the first International Pig Forum China will be held in Beijing, China. | Andrea Gantz | Flickr
On September 5, the first International Pig Forum China will be held in Beijing, China. | Andrea Gantz | Flickr

On September 5, the first International Pig Forum China will be held in Beijing, China. Considering current challenges and from a global perspective, this forum will seek solutions to the development of China’s pig farming industry that balance economic, social and environmental benefits while providing a platform that creates values for pig industries locally and internationally. 

The forum will be held at the China National Convention Center from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Pig International China – LyJa Media organized the event with the support of WATT Global Media and hosting by VIV China 2016. Registration is US$144 per person and is open at:

Two overarching themes of forum will be pig farming models and the relationship between pig farming and the environment. These topics will be explored through various presentations and panel discussions. 

Topic 1:  Exploration of Efficient Pig Farming Models

  • The building of efficient pig farming systems and control of the implementation focus and difficulties
  • Case study of fine management and benefit improvement of Danish large-scale pig farms
  • Comparison between the standardization management and cost & benefit control of large-scale pig farms in China and the U.S.
  • How to improve productive technology and equipment modification in efficient pig farming system engineering

Panel Discussions

  • Pros and cons of the pig farming technology and profit models in European countries and their localization in China
  • Analysis of the gap in standardization and cost & benefit control of pig farms between China, Denmark and the United States
  • The path to efficient production of China’s large-scale pig farms


Topic 2:  Benefit of pig production and environmental sustainability

  • Chinese government’s planning for ecological swine farming
  • Change of performance indicators of pig farming in European and American countries and the resulting influence on the environment
  • The relationship between the layout of US-China pig industries and protection of local environmental resources and economic sustainability
  • The zero-pollution model of Danish pig farms and the possibility of its promotion in China
  • Case study of the antibiotic-free pig farming trials of Danish Crown and lessons learned

Panel Discussions

  • Implications of China’s policy for pollution control and ban on regional swine farming have for the pig industrial chain and environmental sustainability
  • How to strike a balance of values between large-scale pig farming and its economic, social and environmental benefits
  • The influence of the Internet upon the sustainability of the entire pig industrial chain
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