Barcelona, Spain to host ESPHIM 2018 pig health event

In total 1,562 delegates, partners and sponsoring company staff members from in total 49 countries participated in this event.

The Ninth European Symposium of Porcine Health Management (ESPHM) was held in the City of Prague, Czech Republic from May 3 to 5, 2017.

In total 1,562 delegates, partners and sponsoring company staff members from in total 49 countries participated in this event. The ESPHM is an annual Symposium jointly organized by the ECPHM (European College of Porcine Health Management), the EAPHM (European Association of Porcine Health Management) and a Local Organizing Committee, which was this time the Czech Pig Veterinary Society.

Starting on Wednesday afternoon, eight keynote lectures opened four different session that were followed by four by two parallel sessions of in total 50 oral presentations. More than three hundred posters were presented. The last session ended on Friday morning.

Announcement of venue for next pig health event

Friday at noon time the Symposium closed and the next year’s venue is introduced. In 2018, the Tenth ESPHM will be held in Barcelona, Spain from May 9-11, 2018. The ESPHM 2018 in Barcelona is chaired by Dr. Quim Segales.

In 2019, it is time for the Netherlands to host the ESPHM. The ESPHM is a place in Europe for European swine veterinarians to meet and interact. The College takes care of the scientific content. Not only at the ESPHM but also in EU representative bodies. The bi-monthly newsletter informing their members on swine diseases related matters is a sign of these increased activities. ESPHM keynote lectures and other interesting material can be found on the members only section at the website.

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