Connectiv, the Business Information Association, announced winners of its second annual Connectiv Innovation Awards, which included WATT Global Media in the category of Leveraging Ecosystem Partners.
Andy Smith, Director of Innovation & Technology for WATT Global Media, accepted the award at the Connectiv Executive Summit on May 16. WATT’s award was for “Using Digital Convergent Technology (DCT) to Optimize Production Workflow.”
WATT Global Media wanted to improve the staff and production resources necessary to offer increased client value for digital and print media campaigns. Implementing DCT removed the limitation of needing internal skillsets for new client products. Now WATT can complete campaigns with the same success rate at half the cost.
“Customers don’t notice a difference in the quality of work and the company can align itself to have more high value touches with clients,” says Andy Smith. “The project was a culmination of many people willing to try a new idea and working together.”
Connectiv, a division of the Software & Information Industry Association (SIIA), is the leading trade association for companies involved in the creation and delivery of business information. It provides knowledge, access and resources to over 200 global information companies who reach an audience of more than 100 million professionals worldwide. For more information: