The Animal Agriculture Alliance announced a new chair-elect and six new board representatives. The Alliance’s full board of directors, which includes representatives from all segments of animal agriculture, is listed on its website at:
The Alliance welcomed Sarah Novak, vice president of membership and public relations at American Feed Industry Association, as its new board chairperson in May. AFIA was a founding member of the Alliance and has held a seat on the board since 1987. Novak has represented AFIA on the board since 2008 and since stepping into her new role has exceeded expectations in helping the Alliance team reach its strategic plan goals.
“Sarah is always ready with new contacts or opportunities to ensure we have everything we need to connect, engage and protect animal agriculture,” said Hannah Thompson-Weeman, Alliance vice president of communications.
At its fall meeting earlier this week, the Alliance board accepted the nomination of Christina Lood, senior director of external communications at Zoetis, to be chair-elect. Lood will take the reins from Novak in May 2021.
“Christina is one of our most engaged board members, so we believe she is the perfect fit for our next chairperson,” said Kay Johnson Smith, Alliance president and CEO.
The board also welcomed a new member at the fall meeting, with National Corn Growers Association (NCGA) joining the board, represented by Mike Lefever, a Colorado corn grower. NCGA has been an Alliance member since 2015. Also, several companies and associations have new board representatives:
- Alltech, represented by Rachel Weber, beef marketing coordinator
- American National CattleWomen Inc., represented by Reba Mazak, vice president
- Charleston|Orwig, represented by Lyle Orwig, chairman
- Merck Animal Health, represented by Jessica Meisinger, consumer affairs accounts manager
- United Soybean Board, represented by Larry Marek, director