Urner Barry successfully completes independent review

Urner Barry completes an independent review of its price reporting methodology and control procedures.

Urner Barry, the leading provider of protein market news and information in the food industry, is pleased to receive third-party assurance of IOSCO compliance for key benchmark protein price assessments.

Urner Barry has successfully completed an independent review of its price reporting methodology and control procedures undertaken by auditor BDO. The Type 1 assurance report, which examined eight benchmark price indices, confirms that Urner Barry’s processes are aligned with the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) Principles for Price Reporting Agencies (PRAs).

IOSCO is the international body that brings together the world's securities regulators and is recognized as the global standard setter for the securities sector. IOSCO’s PRA principles ensure the integrity of price assessment functions and the reliability of assessed prices.

For over 160 years, Urner Barry has been the trusted source for benchmark pricing in the food and agriculture industry. The impartiality and accuracy of Urner Barry’s proprietary market data have been its mission from the beginning, and this latest testament from an independent auditor affirms that commitment to excellence in protein price reporting.

“Our clients require the highest quality information to effectively conduct their business and navigate the supply chain,” said Urner Barry CEO, Joe Muldowney. “This independent assurance review reflects the pledge we undertake to provide them with robust, independent, and accurate market coverage. 

“It really is the gold standard of PRAs and we’re proud to reinforce our longstanding reputation in the industry.”

The following Urner Barry price assessments were included within the scope of the report: 


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To view a copy of the Assurance report, please click HERE

Urner Barry provides the most recognized, comprehensive coverage of benchmark protein prices, news, and analysis. Call 732-240-5330 or visit us at www.urnerbarry.com to learn more. 



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