On July 1, 2022, Diogo Abreu was admitted to MULTIVAC's board of directors. The role of this experienced manager is to further strengthen the company's position in the flourishing Iberian market. At the same time Managing Director Francisco Monente has stepped down and taken retirement.
MULTIVAC is on a growth course at the moment. Despite the corona pandemic, the group was successful in 2021 in increasing the turnover to 1.37 billion euros--15.7 percent more than in the previous year, a continuously upward trend in spite of numerous economic and political challenges. The growth markets include the Iberian Peninsula covering Spain, Portugal and Andorra. Here in his new role as a member of the board of directors, Diogo Abreu, who was managing director of the MULTIVAC subsidiary in Portugal from 2005 onwards, has been supporting the management team in Spain since July 1 in its daily operational work with his profound knowledge of the Iberian market. “This measure is intended to further strengthen MULTIVAC's position in the Iberian market, and to continue using the synergies within our subsidiaries,” says Christian Traumann, group president at MULTIVAC. “We are delighted, that Mr Abreu has taken up this challenge, and we wish him much success in his new role.” Diogo Abreu will in future report to Kai Trapp, chairman of the board at MULTIVAC Spain.
Francisco Monente goes into retirement–“He has made a significant contribution to the success of our Group”
At the same time Francisco Monente, managing director of MULTIVAC Spain, stepped down and took retirement on June 30, 2022. In 1995, he founded the Mobepack company, where among other things, he also sold MULTIVAC machines as an agent. Following the founding of its own sales and service company in Spain, MULTIVAC acquired Mobepack in 2011 and integrated the company into the structure of MULTIVAC Spain, before subsequently opening a new production site in the country in 2017.
Has retired as of June 30, 2022: Francisco Monente, Managing Director of MULTIVAC Spain
“Francisco Monente accompanied this process throughout, showing strong commitment to the group,” says Christian Traumann. As managing director of the company, he then further developed the business in Spain for more than ten years-- and always with strategic foresight and great leadership qualities. “Francisco Monente made a significant contribution to the success of our Group on the Iberian Peninsula, and we are very grateful to him for his work. We bid him farewell to a well-deserved retirement, and wish him the very best for the future.”