American Egg Board presents second Good Egg Award

American Egg Board presentssecond good egg award to Jim Nield for his outstanding service and dedicationof an egg industryman.

At the American Egg Board's recent meeting in Napa, California, the second Good Egg Award was presented. This award serves as a tribute to the outstanding service and dedication of an egg industry person who exemplifies the qualities of a "good egg." The inaugural Good Egg Award was presented to the family of Richard Simpson in 2013.

Jim Nield was presented with this year’s Good Egg Award. Nield lives a life of service with major intellectual contributions and advancements, forward thinking, tenacity, and generosity that is felt by all who know him. Jim holds the trust and respect of his peers in the industry, like no other.

Nield has worked at Sanovo since 2008. He developed a high-tech grader that was introduced in 2011; He also holds three U.S. patents in all three product lines: cages, graders, and breakers. He has worked on starter grower and layer cage systems, turnkey egg facilities, further egg processing, and inline breaking. Jim's contributions to the egg industry in development of high-tech equipment and processing are extraordinary.

Nield was also a member of UEP Allied Industry group and served as its chair. He has held memberships in International Egg Commission, Canada, PEPA, and state industry associations. Nield served on the International Poultry Expo (IPE) Exhibitor Committee for many years and was AEB's first and longest serving Allied Industry Advisor for 15 years.

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