Petersime NV, a world leader in the development of incubators, hatchery equipment, and turnkey hatcheries, has joined the International Poultry Council (IPC) as an associate member.
The company, headquartered in Olsene, Belgium, was established in 1949 to produce under license the first electric incubator that had been invented in the United States. Petersime NV is now part of the holding company FPS (Food Processing Systems). The company’s IPC representative is Managing Director Michel De Clercq.
IPC President Jim Sumner, also the president of USA Poultry & Egg Export Council (USAPEEC), welcomes Petersime NV as IPC’s newest associate member, bringing the total number of associates to 34 companies from around the globe. Other companies joining the IPC earlier in 2014 include JBS SA, BRF, and Skov A/S.
“IPC’s membership continues to grow with the addition of processors and a wide range of global associates, including equipment manufacturers, primary breeders, animal health suppliers, food service companies, packaging companies and others,” Sumner said.
Poultry industry organizations in 24 countries are members of the IPC, which was formed in 2005.