Borregaard LignoTech appoints two account managers in Brazil

Borregaard LignoTech, a supplier of additives and ingredients for the animal feed industry, has recently expanded its staff to support the company's growth plan for the Brazilian market: Césare Majima and Gian Marcassa.

Borregaard LignoTech, a supplier of additives and ingredients for the animal feed industry, has recently expanded its staff to support the company's growth plan for the Brazilian market.

Césare Majima is responsible for sales of Borregaard LignoTech's feed additives in the southern part of Brazil, and will also be in charge of developing the SoftAcid-business in the country.

Gian Marcassa is responsible for sales of the company's feed additives in north and central Brazil, and will also be involved in the development of the company's Bypass Protein business in the country. 

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