Central American Poultry Congress focuses on feedstuffs‚ fuel

Nearly 800 participants gathered in Nicaragua for a program of technical, scientific and business management programs.

The Central American and Caribbean Poultry Congress, held in Managua, Nicaragua, ended on Friday, September 26, after a very successful two-and-a-half day event. There were nearly 800 participants from all over Central America and the Caribbean, as well as from many other countries in Latin America. The Congress included a strong program of technical, scientific and business management programs, as well as an exhibit hall that was heavily trafficked.

While a number of important subjects were officially discussed at the show, the predominant theme on the show floor was the very difficult time that the poultry industry is going through right now, worldwide, due to the high prices of feedstuffs and fuel. Certainly, no one in Central America is immune to the hard times. Needless to say, the U.S. financial crisis was being closely and nervously tracked on the show floor.

In spite of all the talk of hard times, a couple of new hatcheries have been recently built in the region, and there were some important purchases of equipment made at the show. Overall, this was a very successful meeting for the Central American poultry industry.

This Congress is held every two years and rotates amongst the Central American nations.

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