What you want

Results of a survey of Petfood Forum 2006 attendees

This year, we had a market research company survey attendees and exhibitors at Petfood Forum. The researchers talked with 72 attendees and 38 exhibitors. We recently received the survey results.

Top 10 topics

Attendees were asked about 32 different topics they might like to see at Petfood Forum symposium. Here are the most popular topics, with the percentage of respondents that are interested.

Exhibitors' opinions

Of the exhibitors, 94% had a positive overall impression of Petfood Forum; 100% were satisfied with the Petfood Forum staff; 85% were positive towards the Chicago-area venue; and 76% were satisfied with attendee traffic in the exhibition area.

Attendee feedback

Of the attendees in our random sample, 91% had a positive overall impression of Petfood Forum; 92% thought the length of the event should remain the same; and 89% were positive toward the variety and scope of the companies exhibiting at Petfood Forum.

Decision makers

During the first day of lectures at Forum, I talked with the marketing VP of a large superpremium petfood company. He made the point that, "Suppliers should target petfood company marketing people, because they drive the purchasing decisions." He went on to say that many exhibitors focus most of their efforts on purchasing people who "tend to say no."

We're listeningspeak up

Petfood Forum 2006, April 3-5, attracted 952 petfood people from 30 different countries. Next year Petfood Forum will be at the Hyatt O'Hare in Chicago, Illinois, USA, April 16-18, 2007. Topic and speaker ideas are welcome (E-mail me at [email protected] or call +1.815.734.5644). Focus will be in Chicago, April 18-19, 2007. Again, topic and speaker ideas are welcome.

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