Timing, delivery vital in poultry vaccine effectiveness

The effectiveness of Infectious Laryngotracheitis Virus Recombinant Vaccines depend on the age of the embryo at vaccination and proper vaccine delivery, according to a study funded by the U.S. Poultry & Egg Association. Research was conducted to determine the degree and onset of protection induced by ILTV when applied in ovo and subcutaneously; to determine if shedders are produced in recombinant vaccinated chickens; and to improve detection of antibodies produced following vaccination.

The effectiveness of Infectious Laryngotracheitis Virus Recombinant Vaccines depend on the age of the embryo at vaccination and proper vaccine delivery, according to a study funded by the U.S. Poultry & Egg Association.

Research was conducted to determine the degree and onset of protection induced by ILTV when applied in ovo and subcutaneously; to determine if shedders are produced in recombinant vaccinated chickens; and to improve detection of antibodies produced following vaccination.

Embryo vaccination at 18-19 days is the optimal age for vaccination, according to the study, and optimal efficiency of recombinant vaccines strongly relies on proper vaccine delivery — namely, precision and consistency of equipment utilized. Compared to traditional vaccines, ILTV provided partial protection against laryngotracheitis, but did not stop replication of the challenge virus in the upper respiratory tract. 

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