Symaga unveils farm silo improvements at EuroTier

Symaga’sfarm silo improvements will be unveiled at EuroTier 2014. During the past year,Symaga enlarged their silo range to increase capacity.

Symaga’s silo improvements include a larger diameter for increased capacity and the addition of a new model.
Symaga’s silo improvements include a larger diameter for increased capacity and the addition of a new model.

Symaga’s farm silo improvements will be unveiled at EuroTier 2014. During the past year, Symaga enlarged their silo range to 3.8 meters diameters to increase capacity. A new model 2.5 meters in diameter with a stainless steel hopper has also been added to their selection. Symaga silos enhance steel coating 33 percent more than previous models. Their goal is to have the most competitive farm silos in the market.

Symaga is the first industrial silo manufacturer with CE certification, which means their product is assessed before being placed on the market and meets EU safety, health and environmental protection requirements. Since 2013, Symaga has been a certified manufacturer of industrial and farm silos by CE marking, ensuring a reliable manufacture. CE-marking requires inspections in factory and certification from a Notified Organization (NB), factory Production Control (FPC), welding quality control and END tests on: welding, periodic corrosion and mechanical over regular materials and finished product.

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