Adding egg yolk to feed could help poultry naturally prevent diseases like necrotic enteritis and optimize production performance.
“When the animals are young and the GI tract has not developed, birds are very susceptible to various diseases and microbes in general,” said Kimberly A. Livingston, PhD, chief research officer, Optum Immunity.
“This helps the immune system keep all those microbes in check and helps keep subclinical infections subclinical.”
Livingston is one of the many experts scheduled to speak at the Poultry Tech Summit, scheduled for October 30 - November 1 in Atlanta, Georgia. This one-of-a-kind in-person event facilitates the transition of innovation technologies from researchers and entrepreneurs into commercial applications for the benefit of the poultry industry. Make plans to attend and take a look at the future of the industry.
Registration for the 2022 Poultry Tech Summit is now open with early bird savings available.
Poultry health benefits of egg yolk
Egg yolks contain a component that binds and neutralizes excess IL-10, an anti-inflammatory molecule in the poultry gut.
When used as a feed additive, this action enables the host immune system to mount adequate inflammatory response against various enteric microbes. Most importantly, this process can restore inflammatory homeostasis when natural enteric microbes are not controlled in young chicks, resulting in reduced mortality, improved performance and reduced intestinal lesions.
The feed additive functions as a non-drug alternative to antibiotics and anticoccidials.
So far, the egg yolk feed additive has been successfully tested in broilers, but Livingston believes it could also benefit layers and broiler breeders.
“We have the proof of concept with the broilers. We really want a partner to see that optimal point in time and length that this product fits with layers and the broiler breeder industry,” she added.
Attend the 2022 Poultry Tech Summit
Join an exclusive international gathering of industry-changing innovators, researchers, entrepreneurs, technology experts, investors and leading poultry producers at the 2022 edition of Poultry Tech Summit on October 30 - November 1 in Atlanta, Georgia.
Attendees can expect the same groundbreaking innovation and insightful presentations that made the previous events well-attended with deep dialogue on new prospective solutions and next-generation technologies. Poultry Tech Summit focuses on the transition of innovative technologies into commercial applications to advance the poultry industry.
Registration is now open with early savings available.