Use bacon-scented wrapping paper and give two gifts

It seems like they keep coming out with new products that smell like bacon, and I’m totally cool with that.

Roy Graber Headshot
(Courtesy Manly Man Co.)
(Courtesy Manly Man Co.)

It seems like they keep coming out with new products that smell like bacon, and I’m totally cool with that.

Earlier I blogged about bacon-scented masks and bacon-scented shoes and shoelaces. If you will indulge me one more time, my latest topic will be bacon-scented wrapping paper. So if you want to have a little fun with your gift wrapping this Christmas, and want to deviate from the traditional wrapping papers, here is your chance.

This product, offered by the Manly Man Co., comes in 30-inch rolls that are eight feet long, and can be ordered through the company’s website. I decided I needed to try it, I mean Christmas was coming. Plus, with a bunch of birthdays coming up, it would be a good idea to have some non-Christmas wrapping paper still around, especially since we don’t have the Sunday funnies delivered anymore.

I must admit, I was a bit apprehensive about having it shipped to me. What if I wasn’t home. While my mail carrier, who I’ve known since we rode the same school bus years ago, knows what place we will look if a package doesn’t fit into the mailbox, those who deliver for FedEx and UPS, which isn’t consistently the same person, often just leave those packages on the porch.

When you’ve got dogs, the last thing you want on your porch is something that smells like bacon and can easily be shredded. I could only imagine the mess that might need to be cleaned up.

And, predictably, nobody was at the house when it was delivered. But luckily I discovered a fully intact cardboard tube on the porch. I picked it up and smelled it, and couldn’t pick out any unusual scents.

I brought it inside, and it sat for a few days, and when I finally had a present to wrap, I opened the package. Inside was the tube of wrapping paper, which itself was wrapped in plastic. Still no scent, but when I removed the plastic wrapper, and I handled the paper, it did have a bacon smell to it. And it was good. Yet it doesn’t overpower and make your whole house smell like bacon.

However, when you pick up a wrapped gift and give it a whiff, the smell is clearly there.

I really like the idea that Manly Man Co. came up with. It seems like when you wrap a present, the recipient will be getting two gifts in one.

Happy holidays!

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